
Current Actions

Hidden Stories

Explore The History of Racial Segregation in the New Trier Community: A Zoom educational series culminating in a community walk along a historically segregated area within New Trier High School District 203.

Find out more!

Action-Based Book Club

Check out the Action-Based Book Club!

We are a group of adults and teens committed to anti-racist work, equity, and relationship building.

Join us to discuss works by BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) writers. Learn how to take action through our discussions.

Our goal is to move beyond conversation in order to create positive change in our community.

Want to Get Involved?

If you’d like to get involved with HEROS, we’d love to hear from you and find out what you’d be interested in helping with. Fill out this form to get connected with us!

And subscribe to our newsletter to stay keep in the loop.

Past Actions